Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay about Everyone Is Capable of Becoming a Lifelong...

Every person has the ability to become a lifelong learner. The most important factor to becoming a lifelong learner comes from the direct influence of mentors and guardians that care for children throughout their developmental years. Together, they figure out the best plan of action to teach each individual student how to be better learners in hopes that the influence of lifelong learning habits will be incorporated into their worldviews when they become adults. There are some people in society who believe that the developmentally disabled person is unable to become a lifelong learner due to their disabilities. Over the last century, research on early intervention educational programs proves these unjustified beliefs wrong. These†¦show more content†¦The way our society takes on this approach of treating the symptoms is through early intervention. Blessing’s (2012) states, â€Å"Early Intervention can help up to 50 percent of children with autism-spectrum disord ers (ASD) achieve developmental success by preparing them for mainstream education, according to Laurie Stephens, Ph.D.† There are five priority areas of learning in which early intervention focuses on and they are physical development, cognitive development, communication skills, social and emotional development, as well as self-help and independence skills. In the area of physical development, the priority is to be sure the child is eating and growing at a normal rate. In the cognitive area of development, the priority of early intervention is to work one on one with a child to help them advance to their appropriate learning level. In the area of communication skills, the priority of early intervention is to initially assess the child’s level of communication and then developing goals for them based off of that initial assessment. In the area of social and emotional development, the priority is for the child to be able to learn how to make age appropriate relatio nships by developing a strong sense of empathy and building up their social skills through constant peer to peer interactions. In the area of self-help and independence skills, the priority is for the early intervention specialists and occupational therapistsShow MoreRelatedJohn Wooden On Leadership And The Woodens Pyramid Of Success1442 Words   |  6 Pagescoaching philosophy of John Wooden and the Pyramid of Success can be use in today’s projects. 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