Friday, February 28, 2020

Framing (social movements) Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Framing (social movements) - Assignment Example For a Western audience this seems cruel because for it cats are animals kept as pets and not as a food source. By appealing to the viewers’ base emotions like pity and disgust, their opinion can be won over. In Figure 2 the issue of animal rights is framed in a way which is more reminiscent of typical television advertising. The woman shown is fit, blond, and beautiful. The audience sought is for the most part a male one. Instead of using pathos, this picture instead skirts the issue of animal treatment and merely displays a woman wearing a shirt stating â€Å"animals have rights.† The issue is animal rights, but the means of spreading the message is a markedly sexual one. The eyes of the man watching are attracted to the woman’s chest, as is his natural inclination. He inevitably reads the message there written and internalizes its meaning. In Figure 3 there is a picture of a pig with several puppies. In this case the method for framing the issue of animal rights is neither pity-based nor sexual. The text points to the fact that pigs are just as smart as dogs and that they â€Å"have feelings too.† Here the author of the photo wants to first connect the plight of the pig with that of the dog, an animal known as being a pet. More importantly, however, is the fact that the pig is described as having feelings and being smart. These are characteristics normally associated with humans. By imputing them to an animal, the intent is to make the viewer both sympathize and empathize with the pig. Known as anthropomorphism, this entails the assigning of human features to an animal so as to foster a sense of equality and dignity for the

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

ISLAM. Shi'i and Sunni Muslims Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

ISLAM. Shi'i and Sunni Muslims - Research Paper Example Islam is articulated by the divine book, Holy Quran, and is a monotheistic religion. Quran is the text, which is regarded as the perfect word of God by its Muslim followers and by the teachings of Holy Prophet (PBUH). Muhammad (PBUH) is the last Prophet of Allah and the seal on all the prophets and marks the finality of the prophethood. An adherent, or a follower, of Islam is known as the Muslim. The Muslims, without doubt, believe that there is only One and Incomparable God and the purpose of the existence of entire humanity is to serve and love the Almighty Power. They are also of the firm belief that Islam is a full universal adaptation of the primitive faith which was sent at various places and times through Moses, Abraham, and Jesus, who were the prophets of God before the arrival of Holy Prophet (PBUH) (Raana, 2010). Majority of the Muslims in Islam are the Sunni followers these days. According to the etymology of the word Sunni, it is a very broad terms which has been derived from the word Sunnah, which means a ‘normal practice’ or ‘habit’. Sunnis exist from the time of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), and are generally considered as the orthodox, or conventional, form of the religion. They are considered to be the followers of one of the four schools of thoughts: Hanafi, Maliki, Shafii, and Hanbali. These schools differ from each other in the methodologies of interpreting and practicing the Islamic laws (Marranci, 2007). The formation of Sunni sect was the outcome of the election of Abu Bakar as the first successor of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). Ali had already got the candidature for the caliph but when the community chose the closest companion of Holy Prophet, the entire community got divided into two sects over this dispute. Those, who accepted and respected the legality and authority of Abu Bakar’s caliphate composed the majority of Muslims, were later called as â€Å"Sunni,† which means the â€Å"followers of [the Prophet’s] customs [sunna].† The